International disputes

Help Needed To End of 35 yr. dictatorship in Uganda by Dictator Yoweri Museveni


International disputes

1. Museveni looting minerals in congo.

In the 1990s, several wars in the African Great Lakes region emerged one from the other like Russian dolls. After the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, largely funded and orchestrated by Museveni who insinuated the hatred between the Hutus against the Tutsis, nearly two million Hutu refugees fled a counter-offensive poured across the border into neighboring Congo.

The refugee crisis helped destabilize the eastern Congo, for among them were perpetrators of the Rwandan genocide. Militarily organized, they threatened the local population and promised to re-enter Rwanda. The situation was a festering abscess largely ignored by the international community.

In October 1996, Rwanda took action to control its border with the Congo and prevent the return of the genocidal Hutu militias, forming a strange coalition – the Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo (AFDL). It was led by Congolese veteran guerrilla fighter Laurent Kabila, who was trained by no other Museveni. He was a long term opponent of Mobutu since the 1960s. The majority of the fighting force were members of the new Rwandan army and supported by Ugandan units. The Rwandan forces killed thousands of Hutus in the refugee camps. After seven months the coalition went on to capture Kinshasa and Kabila was installed as President.

This was a sort of African ‘joint venture’ in which Rwandan and Ugandan soldiers, Angolan planes and Zimbabwean financial contributions all played a part. The coalition sought not just to overthrow Mobutu; it was also intent on appropriating the Congo’s resources.

It wasn’t long before the logic of a war fought for resources became apparent. A month before the fall of Kinshasa, on 16 April 1997, Kabila’s AFDL made a milliondollar deal with US-Canadian corporation American Mineral Fields to extract copper, cobalt and zinc in the southern province of Katanga. In exchange for an advance which ultimately was used to finance the war, the company also received a monopoly over the diamond-buying counters of Kisangani.

The mines of the Congo have poured forth diamonds, metals and minerals

Several other companies entered the fray. South Africans Genscor and Iscor competed with rival Canadian corporation Ludin for the exploitation of copper and cobalt at Tenke-Fungurume in Katanga. The Canadian Barrick Gold Corporation (whose board of directors include George Bush Senior, former Prime Minister of Canada Brian Mulroney, and the former director of the German Central Bank Karl Otto Pohl) was interested in the Gold Office of Kilo Moto in the eastern province of Ituri. Meanwhile another Canadian company, Banro Resources Corporation, eyed up the Sominki concessions in Kivu.

Although he was brought to power by foreign armies in May 1997, Kabila had the imprudence to show himself ungrateful. He reneged on contracts signed during the war and attempted both to limit the repayment of war ‘debts’ to and restrain the influence of Rwanda, Uganda and their corporate allies. Kabila, an old Leftist from the 1960s, baulked at repaying the foreign debt, arguing that the money lent during the Cold War had enriched only Mobutu. Most crucial of all, he decided to centralize the sale of diamonds, create a

Congolese exchange office for raw materials and limit foreign corporations’ access to the country’s vast regions of mineral wealth.

In the vicinity of Kamituga, Rwandan and Ugandan forces with their allies organized the removal of thousands of tons of coltan and cassiterite and its transportation back to the Rwandan capital, Kigali. Ugandan militia confiscated Kisangani’s entire stock of wood. Their ally Jean-Pierre Bemba, leader of the second largest rebel force, the anti-government Congolese Liberation Movement, seized the entire stock of available coffee. It took two months to transport these enormous stocks to Uganda. Ugandan generals close to their President, Museveni, set up companies and generously supplied arms to various ethnic militias who are still fighting each other in Ituri.

Banks were raided, stocks were plundered, vehicles were spirited away by airplane, ordinary citizens were robbed: eastern Congo was pillaged by greed, looting and bloodshed.

A price paid in human lives

All over the country exploitation has been the consequence of war. Eighteen armed groups have emerged, including Hutu militias from Rwanda and Burundi, soldiers from both these countries and groups of Congolese ‘Mai Mai’ fighting against foreign occupation. All live by exploiting local inhabitants through civilian massacres, the recruitment of child soldiers and the systematic rape of women from little girls to grandmothers.

This was planned by no other than Museveni. A man praised for “peace keeping” yet a greedy and dark hearted man of our time.

He was not going to stop at only Congo minerals but expand his territory to Kenya.

Since he had failed invading Kenya in President Moi’s regime, this time plans are in the pipeline to still take Migingo Island on Lake Victoria and sale it off to the Chinese Incase given this chance to win the 2021 elections. That is why he is stopping at nothing to frustrate his opponent Kyagulanyi Sentamu. To an extent of trying to assassinate I am several times so that he does not lose his bread on the plate. He has very much pushed for East African passports, so that he would be the Chairman to the East African Union.

Museveni is planning to take over Migingo Island on Lake Victoria to be sold to the Chinese

Museveni is planning to take over Mombasa and Dar Salem seaports to take over East Africa to create his Dynasty.


2. Museveni is planning to take over Mombasa and Dar es Salaam seaports to take over East Africa to create his Dynasty.

Museveni has always wanted to take over and control Kenya since the time of President Moi, by sending machineries and spies but he failed. In fact, the Kenyan government knew about the plan and deported a lot of Ugandans.

During the 2016 presidential elections, Museveni sent troops to Kenya to support Kenyatta. The Kenyans where quick to notice the Ugandan troops because of the broken Swahili. The Ugandans troops committed atrocities in Kenya and Kenyatta was indited at the ICC court.

Now the east African community created again presents a new opportunity for Museveni and Kagame of Rwanda to gain access and take over Kenya and Tanzania. Museveni has very much pushed for East African passports, so that he would be the Chairman to the East African Union. Museveni is planning to take over Miyingo Island on Lake Victoria to be sold to the Chinese. Museveni is planning to take over Mombasa and Dar Salem seaports to take over East Africa to create his Dynasty. Yoweri Museveni is not a Ugandan by Nationality but came to Uganda as a refugee from Rwanda in 1959 and went to bush war in 1986 and has since taken over government properties and want to take over Kenyan port Mombasa and Tanzanian port Dar es Salaam. Museveni took over Rwanda and appointed Kagame, he is taking over Congo and building roads in congo to loot minerals and troops in South Sudan and Somalia.

Yoweri Museveni came as a refugee from neighboring Rwanda. He fled from a small village in Rwanda called Butare, with his Mother (Esteri Konkundeka) during the civil war, in 1959 when he was a toddler. Museveni’s original names at the point of entry to Uganda, where Yoseri Tibahaburwa Museveni was later taken and registered at a refugee camp in Nakivare, Uganda.