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1: Planning Genocide in 2021 presidential election
2: 35Yrs Dictator
3: Massacre of Muslims in western Uganda 1979
4: Murdered his own biological father Gregoire Kayibanda Kalekezi 1986
5: With Less than 1% vote in 1980 Uganda Presidential election
6: Started bush war and Genocide Luwero 2,000,000 Ugandans during 1986
7: Kasese Massacre at least 100 Bakonjo Tribe massacred in Kasese 2016
8: Kanungu Massacre of 778 opposition members in 2000
9: Congo Massacre and looting of minerals (1997-2001)
10: Rwanda Genocide (1994) at least 1000,000 people
11: Abducted children and used them as child soldiers in Luwero Triangle (1980-1986)
12: Concentration Camps and Torture at Kitalya, Kalangala, Nalufenya and many torture houses

Dictator Museveni has been in power for 35yrs to since the end of the bush war in 1986. During the bush war Dictator Museveni is a very dishonest dictator who has over the time shown his true colors and deviated from the reason he went to the bush in 1980. Museveni said the problem of African countries in particular Uganda is the leaders that overstay in power.  In 1986 inaugural address, Museveni said that “The problem of Africa and Uganda in particular, are caused by leaders who overstay in power…which breeds impunity, corruption and promotes patronage.” But over the years Museveni has changed and has overstayed for over 35 years which is more Milton Obote who stayed for 7 yrs.  Below are some pictures that show Museveni’s statements over the years.

Museveni Joined Ntale High school in Western Uganda but did not graduate. Museveni then moved to Tanzania and created the rebel group FRONASA. Museveni went to Mozambique where he boasted to Boniface Byanyima his adopted father about killing many Portuguese.

Lt. Col Frank Guma, A FRONASA/NRA (RO 00030) officer trained from Monduli, Tanzania, Director of Finance for post-war NRA, was the Officer assigned by Yoseri Tibuhaburwa Rutabaysirwa Museveni to eliminate his father, the late Gregoire Kayibanda Kalekezi in 1988.

The late Gregoire Kayibanda Kalekezi was driven to Masha in Insingirio District, shot and killed by  Lt. Col Frank Guma. Then, he was buried in Luuka District, Bukanga Sub-County, Namukubembe Parish, Bukanga Village, Uganda at the property of the same, Lt. Col Frank Guma.

A few years later, Yoseri Tibuhaburwa Rutabayisirwa Museveni Eliminated Lt. Col Frank Guma (RO 00030) to erase all evidence of the deadly mission.

Museveni joined Idi Amin military force and conducted many atrocities on Ugandans

In 1981 presidential elections Museveni was worst performer with less than 1% vote. He ran as the Presidential Candidate under United People’s Movement (UPM) party of which he was its Patron. He used the same names as those he was registered with at point of entry in the Country. But after Museveni got less than 1% votes, he decided to go to the bush and be a rebel for 5 years.

Even in the bush he did not have military or local support. He devised a cunning yet criminal trick to use child soldiers but how did he get these kids…battalion of kids average age <13 yrs (See video below). He would come at night with his rebel group killing people mainly parents of kids.

He would come back to the homes during day and tell the kids to join him. Using propaganda that current government is killing their parents. Lots of kids forcefully joining his rebel group NRA (National Resistance Army). During the 5yr gorilla war Museveni killed at least 2 million People in Uganda.

There was another popular rebel leader of the Uganda Freedom Movement (UFM) Andrew Lutaakome Kayiira who had more support from the people and fought against the current government.  After the war Museveni took power in 1986 and formed a Coalition government with the Rebel leader Andrew Lutaakome Kayiira.

Museveni then killed the Coalition leader Andrew Lutaakome Kayiira in March 9th, 1987. Museveni then killed Ugandans mainly in Northern Uganda Acholi, Lira, Karamoja, Teso and Buganda.

Museveni orders killing of his biological father to hide his Rwandese citizenship

In 1986 when he came by the power of the gun. he changed his names to Yoweri Kaguta Museveni to disguise himself as a Ugandan. In the same year, Museveni’s Rwandese biological father ‘kayibanda karekyezi’ came to visit and congratulate him at his success of becoming President in a foreign land. Museveni was not a happy camper at sighting his real Father in his State’s residence. Museveni hurriedly gave his Father the sum of not 300,000 ug shilling ($80) to let him go out of his site. But as an old man, it didn’t settle well with him and told his son to watch out because the seat he is proud of may not last long for how he has treated him. Fearing that his own father may ruin his Presidency by reminding Ugandans that the man in power is a Rwandese, he, Museveni ordered the assassination of his own Biological father, by Lt.Col. Frank Guma who carried out the assassination in a village called Bukanga-Isingiro, Mbarara District 3 hours from the Capital City, Kampala. Where he was shot and buried in unknown grave.

Lt. Col Frank Guma, A FRONASA/NRA (RO 00030) officer trained from Monduli, Tanzania, Director of Finance for post-war NRA, was the Officer assigned by Yoseri Tibuhaburwa Rutabaysirwa Museveni to eliminate his father, the late Gregoire Kayibanda Kalekezi in 1988.

The late Gregoire Kayibanda Kalekezi was driven to Masha in Insingirio District, shot, and killed by Lt. Col Frank Guma. Then, he was buried in Luuka District, Bukanga Sub-County, Namukubembe Parish, Bukanga Village, Uganda at the property of the same, Lt. Col Frank Guma.

A few years later, Yoseri Tibuhaburwa Rutabayisirwa Museveni Eliminated Lt. Col Frank Guma (RO 00030) to erase all evidence of the deadly mission.

Museveni Joined Ntale High school in Western Uganda but did not graduate. Museveni then moved to Tanzania and created the rebel group FRONASA.

Museveni went to Mozambique, where he boasted to Boniface Byanyima, his adopted father, about killing many Portuguese. Museveni joined Idi Amin military force and conducted many atrocities on Ugandans. According to the Ugandan constitution, Museveni is ineligible to be a president of Uganda and is not a Ugandan by birth and has no college education.  Currently Museveni is planning to fake educational certificates to show compliancy with the 2021 presidential election education requirement of the constitution of Uganda.

The birth certificate of Museveni’s son Muhoozi Kainerugaba is shown below . It clearly shows that his father was born in Tare, Rwanda. Tare is the capital of Rulindo district in northern Rwanda.

Yoseri Tibuhaburwa Rutabasirwa is the son of Gerishomu Kayibanda (half-brother of Amos Kaguta), grandson of Karaca, and great grandson of Nyiracwende.